February 29, 2012

Ace Was Inteviewed

Ace was interviewed for iheardguitarblog.com, where he mainly talked about his new guitar. But he also talked about his future plans. here's a quote from the interview:
“I’ve started working on a new album, I’m writing a new book… there are a lot of good things on the horizon. At this point I think it’s just going to be an extension of No Regrets. There’s so much I left out because of the deadline, but after talking with so many different people I’ve got so many stories that have eluded me over the years. And there just wasn’t enough room to put them into No Regrets, and I was past the deadline as it was. But I think I’m going to come out with something in the effect of like a No Regrets II. But I also have the idea to put out a guitar book with all my guitar effects, tricks, recording techniques… I’ve learned a lot of tricks from working with a lot of great producers over the years, and I think I should write a book about it!”
Our time up, I selfishly conclude our interview by asking if there’s any chance of a return here to Australia any time soon. “Yeah! It’s something we’ve been talking about. There are some festivals I think I’m going to be doing this summer in Europe, so maybe we can work in Australia towards the end of this year or early next year. I don’t know particularly how it would work. We still haven’t been to Japan with this current line-up that I have now, so usually Japan and Australia go hand in hand.”

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